K120190 K83093 K46462 K78880 K85510 K80596 K84354 K49022 K75801 K399072 K74600 K75801 K85073 K85513 Timken Ap Bearings Industrial Applications cross reference by manufacturer | |||||||||
No. | Brand | D | B | C | d | dk | Size | Angle | Width |
SB 120190105 | IKO | 190 mm | 105 mm | 1540 kN | 120 mm | 175 mm | 120x190x105 | 5 ° | 105 |
K80596-2 | TIMKEN | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
CPR855105 | KOYO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
SB120190105 | IKO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K85510 | FAG BEARING | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K399072-90010 | Timken | 6-1/4 in | 1-3/16 in | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K85510-90011 | Timken | 8-17/32 in | 2-7/16 in | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K85513-2 | Timken | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K85510-90010 | Timken | 8-17/32 in | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
K46462-2 | Timken | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Backing ring K85588-90010 Timken Ap Bearings Industrial Applications | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
Backing ring K147766-90010 AP TM ROLLER BEARINGS SERVICE | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
Backing ring K85095-90010 Timken AP Bearings Assembly | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
HM129848 -90142 Timken Ap Bearings Industrial Applications | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
Backing ring K85516-90010 APTM Bearings for Industrial Applications | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
HM127446 -90120 AP Bearings for Industrial Application | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
Backing ring K95200-90010 Integrated Assembly Caps | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
HM124646 -90086 AP Integrated Bearing Assemblies | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
HM120848 -90080 Tapered Roller Bearings Assembly | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
Backing ring K85525-90010 compact tapered roller bearing units | d:1.0000 in; static load capacity:6650 lbf; assembly type:Cone & Cup; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Single Seal; series:07000; bearing material:Chrome Steel; compatible cone:07100; operating temperature range:-65 to +250 °F; flange type:Non-Flanged Cup; dynamic load capacity:6540 lbf; |
K120190 K83093 K46462 K78880 K85510 K80596 K84354 K49022 K75801 K399072 K74600 K75801 K85073 K85513 Timken Ap Bearings Industrial Applications Video